Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Motivation in P.E.

Motivation in Physical Education
“Most men stop when they begin to tire, good men go until they’re about to collapse, but the very best know that the mind tires before the body, and push themselves beyond those limits, and once those limits are shattered, the attainable can be reached”.  When I was in high school my wrestling coach made us remember and recite this quote after every practice and before every match.  Until this very day it is one of the most inspiring things that I have ever heard in my life and I have tried to live by it my whole life.  It is getting towards the end of the semester and things are getting much harder for both students and the teachers so I’d like to talk a little about motivation.  I know that I am personally struggling in some of my classes but I have to keep reminding myself everyday why I chose this profession.  The answer is that is because I want to help people.  I mean sure Doctors save lives but Physical Educators can help prevent a lot of people from every having to see the Doctor.  Meaning it’s going to be my job to keep students healthy and have them understand the importance of being healthy and physically fit through their whole entire life.  If you look at Magic Johnson and Lance Armstrong they are both professional athletes who have been beating deathly diseases.  Most people will say it’s because they have a lot of money and anyone with a big salary can pay their way out of any problem.  But as a physical educator I like to read in between the lines and point out that they were both PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES who train twenty four seven the whole year around.  With all of this technology in today’s world people look at physical fitness to lose weight almost as it’s the “old fashioned way” people would rather get liposuction or have their stomach stapled.  I think that is pathetic and probably one of the laziest procedures I ever heard of.  I personally know someone that got their stomach stapled and it lasted about 3 weeks until she snapped right back into bad hobbits.  Physical fitness not only makes you look better, but more importantly it makes you feel better, makes you think clearer, makes you more awake throughout the day and sleep better at night.  It is kind of an oxymoron that people are too lazy to do something that gives them more energy.

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